Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Learning from Karl's Pain

Karl Meltzer set out on August 5, 2008 to run the 2,174 mile Appalachian Trail in 47 days. Although do to serious pain in his leg he will not set the record he was hoping to set this time around, he is never the less running and plan's on finishing the trail despite a week of excruciating leg pain. In the blog he posted yesterday, Karl writes, "The pain was so severe that I sat on the side of the trail almost crying, thinking about my next move. After 5 minutes, I started moving again and the pain subsided. And then all of a sudden I could run again..." Karl's words contain several great lessons. Sometimes we are in pain, sometimes the pain is excruciating. At such times about the only thing we are able to do is sit on the side of our proverbial life's trails, plan our next move, cry, and wait out the pain. Plans are wonderful, they keep us moving forward. Tears are wonderful, they clean the soul. Patience is wonderful, it builds character. There are times when the pain seems as if it will never go away and then the next moment its gone...And we can run again. So next time we are in pain and the pain seems to be without end it would be wise of us to remember what Karl did and...Sit...Plan...Cry...Wait...And when the pain goes away start running again.

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